
Hey ! We are Team Tstar a team of passionate Extended reality developers making solutions using Unity and other 3D development tech. We are driven by the fire that is this brand new unexplored techstack and its immense applications.

Project’s Name

Theme-Name : Empowering Differently Abled

Application-Type : Mobile Application in VR


Solution focuses on tackling the mental health issues of people. Mentally disabled people often find it hard for them to get diagnosed or find treatment, this app seeks to solve that. It helps make the solution more accessible for everyone, using just a mobile phone and a 200Rs headset anyone can take care of their own mental health. Besides this , other mental health issues tackled by the solution are, anger issues, anxiety, various kinds of phobias, depression, demotivation, stress and to bundle it all up a guided meditation experience. There is immense potential for scaling this app, it can be used as a tool by psychiatrists to treat patients, patients can use it to take care of themselves, most features are available offline hence no server-side setup is required, there is no such app that does VR mental health care. This app can change the mental health care landscape of India. Demo - More details -

Tech-Stack : Unity Game Engine C# ,Google’s VR SDK, Android SDK, Azure, firebase

GitHub-Link :

Hosted-Link :

Leader’s Name

Role-In-Team : Neel Kukreti

Working-Stack : Unity, Game dev, VR, AR , web dev , Android ,React JS

University/School : JIIT Noida

Member1 Name

Role-In-Team : UI Design , Front end graphics

Working-Stack : Unity, Blender, Figma

University/School : JIIT Noida