
Project’s Name

Theme-Name : Eradicate Hunger

Application-Type : Website


It is commonly observed that a lot of food gets wasted in functions, parties and on other occasions. Most of the hotels, also face the situation that at the end of the day, a lot of food gets wasted. This website is being created to provide a platform for all those who have the surplus and are willing to donate the food to ones who are in dire need of the same. Any individual, hotel, restaurant etc. (“Donor”) can register on this website so that identity of the donor and the food item/s donated (item, quantity, etc.) is duly captured. List of beneficiary organizations will be prepared by taking the details from the office where non-governmental organizations (NGOs) get themselves registered. These Beneficiary organizations will be notified about the donor organizations and food to be donated on continuous basis. Beneficiary organizations can then contact the donor organizations and can make necessary arrangements to pick up the food items from the place of the donor. These Beneficiary organizations can make those items available to poor and needy people at their places. In this way, it will deal with the issue of provision of the food from the organizations which have the surplus to those who need the same.

Tech-Stack : Python , HTML, CSS, Javascript

GitHub-Link :

Hosted-Link :

Nalin Angrish

Role-In-Team : Full Stack Developer

Working-Stack : Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript

University/School : Mount Carmel School, Chandigarh