
Hey we are team bug-byte,i am om kant mishra persuing btech from mnnit my team consist of two very talented members,we all three belongs to same college ,my team works very efficiently and also work with creativity and fun.

Donate for Defenders

Theme-Name : atmanirbhar bharat

Application-Type : web application


this page consist of navigations to all other contents of site and contains donate now button after motivating by the images. NEWS- it will contain the data which is recent and related to our website works and current affairs in indian army organisation. events-it will contain the type of events we can arrange for fundraising. participation-initially we thought that we could complete this part of project but we are only able to complete the front end our site supports a good user login register page. we had tried to get the feed backs of user to let us know what changes we need to do. we have designed the model but we need to do alot because it is a dynamic site as you can understand. we have tried for payment gateways too but we did not succeed because late we came to know that we need mcc.

Tech-Stack : Full Stack

GitHub-Link :

Hosted-Link :

Om Kant Mishra

Role-In-Team : Backend Developer,content creater,time manager

Working-Stack : Backend Developer

University/School : mnnit allahabad

Puneet sharma

Role-In-Team : Frontend Developer

Working-Stack : frontend

University/School : mnnit allahabad

Prashant Kumar Pal

Role-In-Team : Backend Developer

Working-Stack : Backend Developer

University/School : mnnit allahabad