🥉 Voomp

We at Voomp believe technology enhances every aspect of life and aim make it accessible to everyone.


Theme Name : AtmaNirbhar Bharat

Application Type : Android Application


In light of recent events, we saw the government of India banning several Chinese operated applications. A few of them were UC News, NewsDog, and QQ Newsfeed, these were known to be India’s top content (news) aggregrator and distributor through their content recemmendation engine. We at Voomp, aim to fill this void by creating India’s own content aggregation and distribution platform.

We plan to develop a fully custom backend which will serve news articles. The backend will also support fliter based on positive/negitave sentiment of the content.

The platform will consist majorly of 3 parts:

  • Aggregation Service | which will search and store data from various sources.
  • Distribution Service | this will be responsible for serving the content through APIs. Similar to, this will enable 3rd party apps to use our backend for content.
  • Android application| this is the frontend through which user will be able to consume the content.


Tech Stack

Android | Python | Django | PostgreSQL | Docker | AWS

Project link

GitHub Link

Demo Video



Subham Pramanik

Role-In-Team : Architecture | DevOps | Backend

Working-Stack : Django | AWS | PostgreSQL | Docker

University/School : SRM IST, KTR

Sushant Mishra

Role-In-Team : Android Developer

Working-Stack : Android

University/School : SRM IST, KTR

Anmol Gupta

Role-In-Team : Backend

Working-Stack : Django | PostgreSQL

University/School : SRM IST, KTR